Annual Barn Photography Contest


Categories and Details

  1. Adult Open – Must include an identifiable part of a barn (inside or out) and barns must be located in Minnesota.

  2. Youth/Student Open - Must include an identifiable part of a barn (inside or out) and barns must be located in Minnesota.

Photos may be taken with any type of camera, phone, tablet, etc. Filters and other camera accessories may be used. Photos need to be high resolution AND horizontal format.

Photographs can be enhanced using computer software.

By entering the contest, you allow the Friends of Minnesota Barns (FoMB) to use your photograph in the barn calendar as well as in other promotions, advertisements, products, websites, social media sites, and any other way the group sees fit. The photographer will be credited if the photograph is used.

A photographer may enter three (3) unique photographs into the Adult Open category. Youth/students may enter one (1) unique photograph into Youth/student category.

Youth/students may submit photos to the “Adult” category. The same photograph may not be entered into multiple categories.

A total of 12 winners will be selected and will receive a 2026 calendar.

Winners will be announced in spring 2025 at the FoMB Annual Meeting.

Judges will have the final decision on if a photograph meets the criteria.

Updates about the contest will be posted to our website and Facebook page.

Submission Deadline: Monday, February 3, 2025

Entry Fee: Free for members of FoMB and youth/students or $25 yearly membership (individual
membership). Yearly membership includes a quarterly newsletter, discounts on tours and events including the Fall Barn Tour, barn coffee chat gatherings, great group of people to get to know and so much more!
Submission Information to Include:

  1. Name

  2. Email Address

  3. Home Address

  4. Phone Number

  5. Category Entering

  6. Barn location (city, county or township)

Email: .jpg digital image (high resolution) and horizontal format to
Mail: 8x10” printed photograph to Clare Hoelderle, 19865 Oak Grove Ave, Prior Lake, MN 55372. Must be postmarked by entry deadline.